Over the course of the last 20-plus years, the cost to deploy fiber to the home (FTTH) has come down dramatically (from ~$4,000/HH in 2001 to ~$700/HH in densely populated areas in 2023). Simultaneously, the worldwide service provider PON market has grown rapidly, clocking in at $12.3 billion in 2022 and $13.7 billion in 2023. If this growth continues as forecasted, it will reach $35.5 billion by 2030, representing an estimated 14.8% CAGR (All figures in USD). While there isn’t a 1:1 comparison between service provider and enterprise campus networks, there are enough commonalities to predict how fiber and PON will impact those networks. In this white paper, we’ll take a deep dive into how you can prepare for and take advantage of campus PON.

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