Latest Metro DCI

What’s next for pluggable coherent optics
As Ciena’s WaveLogic 6 Nano nears commercial availability, it is an ideal time to provide our outlook on the growing market for p ...

1.6 Tb/s is here: What it means for networks and ...
The next era of networking is here: 1.6 Tb/s. Ciena’s Helen Xenos explains the technology breakthroughs that made this possible, ...

Helping the planet and driving better economics, ...
Not all ZR plugs are created equal. They might all be standards-based, but that’s where the similarities end. What would signific ...

Why ROADM architectures make sense for your DCI n ...
Simple, point-to-point data center interconnect networks are the norm, so why are network operators considering ROADM for their m ...

New contenders join the race for lowest cost and ...
With all the buzz around 800G and 400ZR in the market, you might assume only large cloud and content providers see a need for the ...