The WaveLogic™ 6 Extreme (WL6e) 1.6T Transponder Module (1600G Module) is a multi-rate, single-carrier coherent transponder capable of transmitting and receiving up to 1,600 Gb/s of client payload on a single wavelength. Driven by advanced WaveLogic coherent digital signal processor (DSP) technology based on 3 nm CMOS and combined with a high-bandwidth coherent driver modulator (CDM) and micro intradyne coherent receiver (ICR), WL6e 1600G Module provides flexible coherent transmission in a compact, mountable form. This module delivers the industry’s leading solution for high- bandwidth, high-performance multi-haul line-side DWDM transmission for both telecom and datacom applications, from metro data center interconnect (DCI) to submarine.

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