Ciena’s 8114 Coherent Aggregation Router is purposebuilt for 100GbE services and aggregation. With dense 1/10/25GbE to 400GbE aggregation, including the option of 100–400 Gb/s WaveLogic™ 5 Nano (WL5n), the 8114 addresses the increasing need for high-capacity routing and switching applications at the metro edge.
Innovation in action: Building tomorrow’s photonic network today with Ciena’s 6500 RLS
Prepare for what’s next, today with Ciena’s 6500 RLS and its innovative capabilities from edge to core.
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Services for managed operations
Services for managed operations provides single-point-of-contact management of all operations supporting your multi-vendor network globally, regionally, or locally—whether it's for the full network or just where you need it.
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AI workloads are reshaping data center landscape
Global survey of data center experts explores networking needs for AI era
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